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Friday 4 October 2013

Pakistan AL-Khalid II Tank

Pakistan and China To Jointly Manufacture New Version Of Al-Khalid Tank

Pakistan and China today signed a contract to manufacture a version of the jointly developed Al-Khalid-I tanks.
First developed in the 1990’s, the tank was introduced in 2001 with the new version equipped with has improved capability and systems.
The contract was signed by Pakistan's Heavy Industries Taxila and China's NORINCO at the Ministry of Defence Production.The joint marketing of the Al-Khalid tank with China would open up potential markets, the statement said.

China, Pakistan To Manufacture New Version Of Al-Khalid Tanks 

Al khalid II major known specs:

*-1500HP Engine
* 125 MM With New Advanced auto loader/Stabilized gun [Pakistan Made by HIT]
* Highly sophisticated, Thermal,Night Vision, Infrared target acquisition suite, jointly developed with ASELSAN [Turkey]
* New advanced,Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) Jointly developed by ASELSAN/HAVELSAN & GIDS
* New active threat-protection system, upgrade from a "passive" one.
* It will be, one of the most heavily weaponized per tonnage of any tank in the world,being able to carry 49 125mm rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds
* HEAT and APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot)
* Re designed Turret
* NBC protection.

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