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Monday, 14 October 2013

Soldiers of Canadian army begin the test of new TAPV Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle.

Approximately 50 soldiers from 5 Canadian Army Mechanized Brigade Group at Valcartier are getting the chance to test out the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV), one of four major acquisitions by the Canadian Army to augment its Family of Land Combat Vehicles. The TAPV is part of a fleet of multipurpose vehicles to be used in domestic and expeditionary operations that are mobile and provide a high degree of protection for the crew.
The TAPV will replace the Coyote and the Armoured Patrol Vehicle (RG-31) and augment some of the functions of the G-Wagon. It will fulfill a wide variety of roles on the battlefield, including but not limited to reconnaissance and surveillance, security, command and control, cargo and armoured personnel carrier.

“The focus is on protection, mobility and firepower. The TAPV is an extremely highly-protected vehicle. It also offers excellent mobility across terrains and, with the first dual remote weapon system in the Army inventory, it has excellent firepower as well” says Ron Johnson, the Deputy Project Manager for the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle Project.
The vehicle is being put to the test on various types of terrain, from paved roads to severe cross-country. This is being done to prove the reliability and durability of the vehicle, for maintenance activities, and for “getting to know the vehicle a lot more.”
“User feedback is a critical aspect which has and will continue to further improve the design, performance and maintainability of the final product. For the duration of the testing, comments and general feedback from the soldiers will be captured on a daily basis” says Ron Johnson.
In addition, Qualification Testing is underway to ensure the TAPV is compliant with the vehicle technical requirements. This includes mine and IED blast testing of a surrogate hull.
At the U.S. Army’s Aberdeen Test Center (ATC), tests are being conducted on the TAPV’s mobility, vehicle characteristics; remote weapons station performance; human systems and communications systems integration.
Testing at Valcartier will continue through April 2014, and the TAPV is scheduled to reach final operating capability in 2016.

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